加拿大摄影艺术家Brian K. Smith
《国际艺术新闻网》 特约记者大奔
第一次与 Brian K. Smith 见面是在2018年4月30日贵州的双龙镇,我们共同参加“加拿大摄影师眼中的贵州”系列活动时。因为某种原因,我们团队未能参加前面几天的活动,便在贵阳附近的双龙镇巫山景区等候大家的到来。可惜,第二天一早Brian 便要赶飞机离开。当时活动协调人希望我给他做个采访,我便叫了一个在加拿大本地长大,英语汉语都不错的年轻记者采访他,我只是负责拍照。
真正了解Brian K. Smith, 还是今年九月,在中国山东乐陵的金丝小枣节活动以及在中国宋庄画家村的一些列拍摄活动中。期间,我们有了进一步交谈、了解和合作。
他告诉我他第一次接触摄影是在他10岁的时候。在一次家庭旅行中,他的父母把一个最基本的柯达相机放在他的手中,目的只是想让这个充满好奇心的男孩保持安静。中学阶段,他的兴趣不减,11年级的时候,他做出决定去温哥华Langara 学院学习专业课程并成为一名专业摄影师。
他说旅行是他摄影生涯的一个重要部分。目前,他已经访问了41个国家,其中许多国家他曾多次访问。在过去的10年里,Brian K. Smith以访问中国为重点,他的许多行程都是通过参加国际摄影展览和发表演讲得到赞助。
山东乐陵金丝小枣节与画家董兰星,好莱坞(北部)摄影师Gordon Alarie 及记者在一起
山东活动和中国宋庄记录艺术家们绘画生涯的拍摄活动结束后,他又被邀请到北海的摄影艺术设计学院,在那里他给600名学生做了一个题为《An Open Mind and Pre-Visualization》(开放思维与视觉预览)专业摄影讲座,很受欢迎。这次是他第13次去中国访问。
Brian K. Smith 摄影作品
Brian K. Smith 上世纪七十年代于温哥华Langara 学院学习“专业摄影”课程,是加拿大医疗保健方面的一位全职专业摄影师,他的工作包括医学、科学、公共关系、网络、工作室、位置和肖像摄影,还受过多媒体培训。Brian K. Smith在温哥华市中心的普罗维登斯医疗保健公司工作了36年多,工作之外的活动也特别繁忙。还担任温哥华下大陆地区的主席职务,任职期为2014至2019年。他曾获美术、旅游及绘画专业的认可,也是卑诗省旅游作家协会的新闻工作会员,Langara 学院专业摄影项目顾问委员会的成员。Brian K. Smith拥有加拿大摄影艺术硕士学位,获美术、旅游、自然摄影等专业认证。
Brian K. Smith 摄影作品
Brian K. Smith同时也是一位沙龙、加拿大专业摄影家鉴定委员会及国际摄影评委、报纸(杂志)和媒体作家及国际讲师。Adventurocity联合创始人,Adventurocity是一个重点介绍中国及其他地区的探险旅游的亚洲旅游网站。
2015年至今,他在What’s Brewing Magazine担任首席摄影师兼特约撰稿人,除了封面杂志,他也负责卑斯省最受欢迎的Craft Beer杂志的主要内容的拍摄工作。也是《有相机 – 将旅行》季刊/摄影专栏的撰稿人。
Brian K. Smith 摄影作品
在加拿大温哥华当地,他举办过30多次个人摄影展览,还多次参加过当地和全国的团体展览,具有超过25年的摄影艺术经历。2015年和2017年,Brian K. Smith参加了在中国平遥举行的平遥国际摄影展(PIP)。Brian K. Smith的艺术摄影有广泛的主题:肖像、自然、城市风景和旅游。他坚信,在按下相机快门之前,练习视觉预览是通过相机打印(或社交媒体显示)来创造连续性的一个重要部分,当这个过程被掌握后,你感知到的图像就会展现在你眼前,将艺术家的签名嵌入到每一幅图像中就成了一个作品的主体。Brian K. Smith认为,提高、完善和成功是教育和分享毕生追求的一部分。
Brian K. Smith认为教育和艺术发展是终身的,分享自己的知识可以创造开放、没有语言或文化障碍的对话和友谊。
Brian K Smith 在“中国第十七届国际摄影艺术展” 中的 获奖作品
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Brian K. Smith – Photographic Artist
Providence Health Care — 1982 to Present
Full time staff photographer in Health Care environment. Job includes Medical, Scientific, Public Relations, Web, Studio. Location and Portrait Photography. Also trained in Multi Media
Instructor – Langara College Continuing Education Program — 2017 to Present
Developing/marketing and leading travel education programs focus on photography and culture.
Chief Photographer/Contributing Writer – What’s Brewing Magazine — 2015 to present
Shooting magazine cover and major content for British Columbia’s most popular Craft Beer magazine. Also a contributing writer to “Have Camera-Will Travel quarterly travel/photography column.
Advisory Board Member – Langara College — 2016 to present
Meetings twice a year to give advice and direction to Professional Photography Program and Continuing Education Photography and Arts Programs
Co Founder – Adventurocity — 2009 to present
Asia based travel website with emphasis on adventure travel in China and beyond
Chair – Lower Mainland- Professional Photographers of Canada – Manage programs and member benefits with committee for local PPOC
National Judge of Photography – Salon and Accreditation PPOC 2014 to Present
Langara College – Professional Photography Program – graduated with Honours -1977 Instructional Workshops – 1977 to present
Master Photographer, Teacher and Judge. Writer – newspaper/magazine and media. International Lecturer
Brian has exhibited his photographic art for more than 25 years. Locally in Vancouver, Canada he has held more than 30 solo displays of his photographic art. Brian has also participated in group exhibitions locally and nationally. In 2015 and 2017 Brian participated in the Pingyao International Photography Exhibition (PIP) in Pingyao, China.
Brian is an accomplished photographer with a Masters of Photographic Arts (MPA) with Professional Photographers of Canada. He is accredited in Fine Art, Travel and Nature Photography. Brian is also a national competition Judge and accreditation Judge (PPOC).
Brian’s fine art photography encompasses a wide range of subjects – including portraiture, nature, unban scenes and travel. He strongly believes that practicing the art of pre-visualization before pressing the camera shutter. This is a vital part of creating continuity through process of camera to print (or social media display). When this process is mastered the images you perceive will unfold before your eyes. This creates a body of work that has the artist signature built into every image. Brian believes that improvement, refinement and success are part of a lifelong pursuit of education and sharing.
Brian K Smith first experience with photography was at the age of ten. His parents put a basic Kodak camera in his hands to keep the curious boy quiet on family excursions. Through junior and senior high school the interest continued to grow. He decided in grade 11 that he would study to become a professional photographer in a specialty program at Langara College in Vancouver. The rest is history.
Brian has worked as a professional photographer at Providence Health Care in downtown Vancouver for over 36 years. His activities outside of the medical corporate world keep him especially busy. As a member of Professional Photographers of Canada he has gained his Craftsman and Masters of Photographic Arts designations. Brian also holds the Chair position for the Vancouver Lower Mainland region (2014-2019). He has been accredited in Fine Art, Travel and Pictorial specialties. Brian is also a Press member of the British Columbia Association of Travel Writers.
Recently Brian was invited.
He also sits on the Langara College Advisory Board for the Professional Photography Program.
Travel is a big part of Brian’s photographic life. Currently, he has traveled to 41 countries – with multiple visits to many. In the last 10 years Brian has focused on China with 13 visits (2018).Many of his trips have been sponsored to participate in International Photography Exhibitions (PIP 2015/2017) and give lectures. Most recently Brian travel to Beijing and Shandong to document painting artist. He also was invited to Bei Hai’s Photography and Art Design College, where he gave a well received lecture to 600 students.
Brian believes that education and artistic development are life long. Also he believes that sharing one’s knowledge creates open dialog and friendship without barriers of language or culture.
Brian’s social media platforms include:
Face Book
Brian K Smith Art & Photography
We Chat