(《国际艺术新闻网》洛杉矶消息)由美中艺术家协会、亨锐国际以及美国南加州华人联合总会共同主办的 “山川异域,风月同天”(Lands apart, Sky shared)国际学生文学作品比赛(INTERNATIONAL STUDENT LITERATURE COMPETITION)征文活动正在进行中。活动希望透过比赛把2020年疫情的肆虐以及对人性的光辉的见证,透过笔墨挥洒出来,传达“众人齐心,可抗疫情”的精神,丰富美、中学生的文化生活以及促进学生之间的文化互动和学术交流。
美国加州西科维纳市(West Covina, California)市长Letty Lopez-Viado,以及加州核桃市(Walnut)市议员伍立伦发贺电对活动表示支持。前西柯汶纳市长吴桐淮(Tony Wu)、Henri-Costa资深服装品牌设计师Clark David Williams、美中经贸文化促进会会长朱俊英教授、洛杉矶罗兰联合学区教育委员会主席陈正治(Cary Chen)以及《美中时报》(Sino US Times Inc.)法人兼社长李永田担任比赛的特别顾问。李群、杨广敏、桑哲、王玲、孙君、郑子亭、谭捍卫、刘晖、王伟、和Vivian Z组成十人专业评委团。
–“Lands apart, Sky shared”
1.The Purpose of the competition
1) Enrich American and Chinese students’ cultural life
2)Promote cultural interaction and academic exchanges between students.
2.The theme of the competition
“Lands apart, Sky shared” In 2020, we have witnessed the widespread of the Covid-19 pandemic. At the beginning of the 2021 New Year, mankind is facing new challenges. Please write down your good memories in 2020, it would be a person, things or feelings?
1)First prize: 500 US dollars; Second prize: 300 US dollars; Third prize: 100 US dollars; Excellence award: no monetary rewards;
2)All winners will be awarded certificates by the US-China Artists Association;
3)Outstanding judges, participating individuals, participating schools or groups, etc., will be awarded certificates by the US-China Artists Association;
4)Outstanding entries will be published in mainstream US-Chinese literature;
4.Competition Schedule
1)Please submit the list of participating schools (according to the Participating School Information Form) before 2/28/2021. The organizer will send the competition number to participating schools before March 5th. Participating schools must not submit their entries before they have received the competition number
2) 1/30/2021-3/15/2021 School preliminary review; The school will submit the preliminary review manuscript with preliminary review comments to the competition organizing committee.
3) 3/16/2021-4/15/2021 review by the judges: The jury will select the first, second, third prizes, and the outstanding candidates for all the manuscripts that have passed the preliminary review.
4)4/16/2021-5/15/2021 final review by the judges: the jury decides the attribution of the awards through separate scoring and unified discussion.
5)5/16/2021 award results announcement and award ceremony
5.The scope of the competition
1)The United States, China mainland, Hongkong, Macao, and Taiwan.
2) A high school student B college student.
3)Participation is based on a school, and individual entries are not accepted. If you have this requirement, please contact your school to submit the projects.
6.Participate method
1)The official website of this competition is: www.ucaa.club/competition . Log in to find more competition information; the submission email is: info@ucaa.club
2)This competition is conducted via schools and the schools will conduct the internal preliminary review and selection; the participating schools will submit the work.
3)The schools submit the “Recommendation List for the Preliminary Review” and the “Summary Report of the Organizing Entry” (downloadable in the data download area of the official website of the competition). The above list and report are necessary for participating in the award.
4) Every school can submit a maximum of 3 projects, and every student provides a maximum of 1 project.
7.Requirements of the competition
1)300-500 words, submitted in Word format, text number 12, text only, no pictures, voices, videos, and other content.
2) Please follow the required format before you submit your projects. (downloadable in the data download area of the official website of the competition)
3)Participating schools and teachers can assist the students during their creative process. Use their language to express their aspirations. Teachers can guide, but it is not recommended to change the manuscript.
4) The organizer has the right to publish information about participating organizations, individuals, and their projects.
5)All submitted copies will not be returned, please keep your own manuscripts.
6)Language of the competition: Chinese or English
8.Nature of the competition
1)Free entry: The competition does not charge any fees, and no organization or individual may charge or charge any fees in disguise.
2) Fairness. The jury of the competition upholds the principle of “fairness and justice” and independently selects winning projects.
3)Openness: This competition will announce the progress of the competition in real-time on the official website of the US-China Artists Association www.ucaa.club/competition . Please pay attention to the competition information in time.
4) Manuscripts that fail to use the “Contest dedicated manuscript paper” as required, or do not fill in the “Recommendation List for the Preliminary Review” and the “Complete Report of the Organization for Competition” will not be accepted.
5)The final interpretation of all matters of the competition belongs to the competition organizing committee.
9.Files to be downloaded
1)Contest dedicated manuscript paper
2)Recommendation List for the Preliminary Review
3)Summary Report of the Organizing Entry
4) Participating School Information Form
The above documents can be downloaded at www.ucaa.club/competition data download area.