(《国际艺术新闻网》记者王蕾多伦多报道)2024年8月4日,L.L. Contemporary画廊迎来了名为《隐匿与显现》的群展开幕式。此次展览汇集了来自伦敦皇家艺术学院(RCA)7位年研究生艺术家的29幅作品。开幕当天,艺术家及艺术爱好者齐聚一堂,共同分享、探讨年轻艺术家们对抽象感觉的融合表达。
On August 4, 2024, the L.L. Contemporary Gallery hosted the opening ceremony of the group exhibition “Both, Inwards and Out There.” This exhibition features 29 works by seven postgraduate artists from the Royal College of Art in London. On the opening day, artists and art lovers came together to share and explore the fusion of abstract feelings conveyed by these young artists.
此次参展艺术家有Beth Cowey、Felicity Nutt、Jan Valik、Soryun Ahn、Tobias Francis、Toby Rainbird、Yiwen Liu,其中Jan Valik的作品是第三次在该画廊展出,其他艺术家则是首次亮相。这些作品将主观感知与抽象感觉相融合,探索了绘画的流动边界,Felicity Nutt的水彩和Toby Rainbird的油画通过图案、重复和节奏形成柔和的变化,探讨了感知和平衡的微妙之处。Beth Cowey和Tobias Francis的作品展现了类似的笔触、精确构图和微妙的幽默。Soryun Ahn和Yiwen Liu的创作源泉来自个人或短暂的邂逅,Ahn的作品具有氛围感叙事,而Liu的绘画则呈现短暂的自然抽象。Jan Valik的绘画通过波动的张力在自主和召唤空间之间来回摆动。
The participating artists are Beth Cowey, Felicity Nutt, Jan Valik, Soryun Ahn, Tobias Francis, Toby Rainbird, and Yiwen Liu. Jan Valik is exhibiting at the gallery for the third time, while the others are making their debut. These pieces explore the fluid boundaries of painting, blending subjective perception with abstract sensations, ranging from playful observations to personal reflections. The gentle variations of watercolors by Felicity Nutt and the playfully colored oils of Toby Rainbird are formulated through patterns, repetition, and rhythm. They address balance and subtleties of perception, as well as brushwork, precise composition, and subtle humor, as seen in the works of Beth Cowey and Tobias Francis. Personal or ephemeral encounters inspire both Soryun Ahn and Yiwen Liu, resulting in Ahn’s atmospheric narrations and Liu’s ephemerally organic abstractions. Similarly, through fluctuating tensions and the evocation of otherness, Jan Valik’s paintings oscillate between autonomous and conjured spaces.
L.L. Contemporary的负责人Sophie表示,画廊一直致力于为年轻艺术家提供展示平台。她感到非常荣幸,能够借此机会将英国顶级美术学校的新锐艺术家的作品带到北美,丰富当地的艺术氛围。
Sophie, the director of L.L. Contemporary, mentioned that the gallery has always been committed to providing a platform for young artists to showcase their work. She feels very honored to have the opportunity to bring these artworks from emerging artists from the top British art school to North America, enriching the local art scene.
Cai Kui, president of the Oil Painting Academy of Canada, emphasized in an interview that the creative thinking of contemporary artists is open, free, and unconstrained. They use new technologies and materials to establish new concepts and bring sensory enjoyment to the audience. The Oil Painting Academy of Canada plans to establish a contemporary art institute to attract more young artists and promote the development of contemporary art.
Artist Liu Jian mentioned in an interview that contemporary art is rarely discussed today, and many modern artworks still use traditional methods to express the latest ideas. The works of these seven young artists were selected from over 100 artists from the Royal College of Art Graduate Exhibition because their creations align with the development direction of emerging artists and the gallery’s vision. The gallery is committed to providing them with more showcase platforms.
艺术创作是对生活复杂性的敏感回应, 感觉和直觉起着关键作用。此次展览作品从内在和外在两个方向展示和隐藏个人的主观性,达到探索视觉证明的目的。作品虽然难以理解,但真实存在,他们不仅是自身存在与塑造现实之间的对话,也是对艺术本质深刻探讨的呈现。画展主办方欢迎广大艺术爱好者前来参观,感受这些艺术家的创作魅力。
Art creations are sensitive responses to the complexities of life. Feeling and intuition serve as a fundamental yet deeply real basis for these artists. This exhibition showcases and conceals individual subjectivity from both internal and external perspectives. The works on display are visually layered evidence of the artists’ respective searches—simultaneously incomprehensible and real. These pieces not only reflect the dialogues between the artists’ own existences and the experiences that shaped them but also serve as a profound exploration of the essence of art. The gallery welcomes all art enthusiasts to visit and experience the creative charm of these artists.
地址:L.L. Contemporary Unit 2,95 East Beaver Creek RoadRichmond Hill, Ontario L4B 1L4
Exhibition Period: August 4, 2024 – August 25, 2024
Opening Hours: Thursday, Friday, Sunday: 1-5 PM.
Address: L.L. Contemporary, Unit 2, 95 East Beaver Creek Road, Richmond Hill, Ontario, L4B 1L4