

(《国际艺术新闻网》记者王蕾 2024年10月28日中国北京报道)昨日,德国艺术家阿尔伯特·厄伦的个展《绘画》在路易威登北京Espace文化艺术空间顺利落幕。本次展览作为路易威登基金会“墙外”项目的一部分,旨在促进国际公众参与艺术活动,并增强艺术与公众之间的互动。

On October 27, 2024, the Espace Louis Vuitton Beijing successfully concluded the exclusive exhibition “Malerei,” dedicated to the acclaimed German artist Albert Oehlen. This exhibition was part of the Louis Vuitton Foundation’s “Hors-les-murs” (“Beyond the Walls”) program, which aims to enhance public engagement with art and foster interactions between artworks and their audiences.


此次展览精选了六幅来自路易威登基金会收藏的作品:《无题》(Untitled, 1992/2005)、《潜艇总动员》(Mission Rohrfrei, 1996)、《剃须》(Rasieren, 2005)、《石头》(Rock, 2009)、《无题》(Untitled, 2017)以及《最后一个人23》(Ömega Man 23, 2022),这次展览是路易威登北京Espace文化艺术空间的第十个展览,继格哈德·里希特(Gerhard Richter)后第二位德国画家,展出作品大部分首次在北京展出。

The exhibition showcased six selected works from the Louis Vuitton Foundation’s collection, including Untitled (1992/2005), Mission Rohrfrei (1996), Rasieren (2005), Rock (2009), Untitled (2017), and Ömega Man 23 (2022). Marking the tenth exhibition at Espace Louis Vuitton Beijing, Oehlen is the second German artist to be featured, following Gerhard Richter, with most works making their debut in Beijing.



Oehlen’s inspiration from the first computer-aided design programs of the 1990s is evident in his series of Computer Paintings, such as Untitled (1992/2005). He describes these abstractions as “bionic,” constructed from a blend of geometric forms and pixelated patterns. The artist enhances the visual effects of digital graphics through hand drawing, applying black-and-white diagrams that have been screen-printed onto canvas.

展览作品《无题》(Untitled, 1992/2005)


The title Mission Rohrfrei translates to “Down Periscope,” referencing an American TV comedy musical that first aired in 1996. This work connects to Oehlen’s Computer Paintings through the integration of pixelated patterns and vibrant colors. Featured in the The John Graham Remix series exhibited at the Serpentine Gallery (2019-2020), Oehlen’s abstract creation entirely dissimulates the motifs of John Graham’s original painting.

展览作品《剃须》(Rasieren, 2005)

《 Rock》创作于2009年。构图简单,使用了不同字体、大小和颜色,呈现出像音符一样的效果。作品中包含金色元素和一些象征性的手势,表现了对经典摇滚乐队的致敬。

Rock, a triptych created in 2009, showcases a composition of various fonts, sizes, and colors reminiscent of musical notes. The artist alludes to several musical references with the letters “Help I’m a Rock,” including the song of the same name by The Mothers of Invention, as well as “Help” by the Beatles and “I Am a Rock” by Simon & Garfunkel.


In Ömega Man 23 (2022), Oehlen explores themes of loneliness and existence through bold color contrasts and striking visuals, illustrating human isolation in modern society. The work employs personal symbols and abstract elements, prompting deep reflections on the human condition. Oehlen’s art represents the struggle for existence, particularly in the emotional aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, encouraging viewers to contemplate their existence, social relationships, and collective human fate. Notably, many works in the exhibition were showcased for the first time in Beijing, highlighting Oehlen’s rich and diverse artistic journey.



In a rapidly evolving era of AI technology, which presents both opportunities and challenges for artistic creation, Albert Oehlen emerges as a significant contemporary artist. His insights into the relationship between technology and creativity offer profound perspectives for audiences. Oehlen emphasizes that technology should enhance, rather than replace, the artist’s creativity, warning against the risks of over-reliance that may lead to superficial and mechanized art.


The Louis Vuitton Foundation, through its global outreach, pays close attention to the cultural backgrounds and aesthetic preferences of audiences in different regions, showcasing a diverse array of styles and themes. As an independent non-profit institution, Espace Louis Vuitton Beijing hosts various activities designed to encourage interaction between art and audiences, enhancing public awareness of art and design while fostering a deeper understanding of artistic expression.

Particularly in Beijing, where audiences generally possess a high level of artistic literacy, many local university students and faculty visit voluntarily. The Louis Vuitton Foundation is committed to introducing more works from international artists, creating an open and vibrant artistic environment.

展览作品《最后一个人23》(Ömega Man 23, 2022)

关于艺术家(About the Artist)

阿尔伯特·厄伦1954年出生于德国克雷菲尔德。他在瑞士布勒和西班牙塞哥维亚生活和工作。1978 年,在定居柏林一年后,阿尔伯特·厄伦从德国汉堡造型艺术学院毕业。当时,柏林是欧洲反文化的心脏,朋克文化尤甚,这种能量和美学对他产生了持久的影响。在1980年代,他是名为“新狂野”( Neue Wilde)或“狂野青年”(Junge Wilde)的团体的一员,该团体聚集了来自德国、瑞士和奥地利的艺术家,他们反对既定的学院派绘画,而更倾向于新表现主义。厄伦从格哈德·里希特(Gerhard Richter)、乔治·巴塞利兹(Georg Baselitz)或西格玛·波尔克等艺术家那里汲取灵感,从单纯的绘画过程到绘画在整个艺术史中的发展,他的创作对绘画媒介本身提出质疑,致力于重新发明和重塑艺术史并始终反对传统的等级划分。即便他的实践看似侧重于抽象,具象也不时出现在他对“经典”流派(自画像)的重访,对拼贴、异质图像和多种材料的使用当中。

Albert Oehlen was born in 1954 in Krefeld, Germany, and currently lives and works in Bühler, Switzerland, and Segovia, Spain. After spending a year in Berlin, he graduated from the Hochschule für Bildende Künst in Hamburg in 1978. Berlin, a hub of European counterculture, particularly punk, had a lasting impact on Oehlen.

In the 1980s, he became part of the “Neue Wilde” or “Wild New” group, which included artists from Germany, Switzerland, and Austria who rejected established academic painting in favor of Neo-Expressionism. Drawing inspiration from artists like Gerhard Richter, Georg Baselitz, and Sigmar Polke, Oehlen’s oeuvre challenges the painting medium itself , while consistently opposing traditional hierarchies. Although his practice primarily focuses on abstraction, figurative elements occasionally emerge, particularly in his explorations of “classic” genres like self-portraiture, alongside the use of collage, heterogeneous images, and diverse materials.