(《国际艺术新闻网》消息)加拿大华人艺术家孙昌茵的油画作品《拯救我们的家园》荣获第十一届美国国际动物艺术大赛特别奖。此次主题为“动物”的艺术大赛共收到了来自29个不同国家参赛者的作品,获奖作品在 2021年6月的 Light Space & Time 网站上进行了展示。
孙昌茵 出生于中国浙江温州,原《文学青年》杂志社美术编辑。就读于清华美术学院油画研究生班,1988年赴加拿大深造。现为加拿大当代艺术联盟创会主席,清华艺术创作研究会副会长,原多伦多美术学院院长。
Changyin Sun, born in Wenzhou, Zhejiang, China, the former art editor of “Literature Youth” magazine. Enrolled in the oil painting graduate class of Tsinghua Academy of Fine Arts, and came to Canada for further studies in 1988. He is currently the chairman of the Canadian Contemporary Art Alliance, the vice chairman of the Tsinghua Art Creation Research Association, and the former dean of the Toronto Academy of Fine Arts.