


荣誉主席:马鹏,迈克尔.简森Michael Janzen

协办:Arta Gallery


时间:2018年4月9日-11日每日10:00am -6:00pm.
地点:Arta Gallery: 14 Distillery Lane, Toronto, ON M5A 3C4


学术支持:迈克尔.简森Michael Janzen ;香侬.麦 克马纳斯(Shannon McManus);庄翰.可克纳俄斯(John Kokkinos);克里斯•克宁(Chris);孙昌茵;郑霞娟(Judy Zheng);梅实,刘亚东

Edge-effect ——Zihan Yuan and Members of Canada Chinese Artists

Association Art Exhibition

Honor Chairman: Peng Ma Michael Janzen

Host:GetArt , Five Oceans International Culture & Arts Centre(FOFA, Canada)
Co-host: Arta Gallery

Time: 10;00am-6:00pm, 09 April-11 April, 2018
Place: Arta Gallery: 14 Distillery Lane, Toronto, ON M5A 3C4
Phone: 289-772-6624;647-784-1581;416-364-2782

Academic supporters: Michael Janzen ;Shannon McManus;John Kokkinos;Chris Kning;Changyin Sun;Judy Zheng;Max Mei, Yadong Liu
Media: Easy Canada, Chinese hotspot, Torontonewsnet, <Universal Chinese>, FOFA,<Education and Future>, World Calligraphy and Painting Weekly, Omni, CMETV





The Edge Effect is an ecological concept that describes how there is a greater biodiversity of life in the region where the edges two adjacent ecosystems overlap.
Such as at where the forest and grassland meet, there are more kinds of birds; At where the river and the ocean meet, there are more types of fish.
Edge Effect also happens in the human society where different cultures and type of arts overlap.

此次 “边缘效应-袁子涵及多伦多青年艺术家联盟作品联合展”由袁子涵个人作品和多位多伦多青年艺术家作品组成,还特别邀请加拿大著名画家“七人画派”(group of seven)的传人迈克尔.简森Michael Janzen ; 香侬.麦 克马纳斯(Shannon McManus);庄翰.可克纳俄斯(John Kokkinos);克里斯•克宁(Chris);孙昌茵;冯玉薇;王建鹏;郑霞娟(Judy Zheng);梅实 为学术支持。本次展览以生物学的边缘效应为题,完美地总结了此次画展风格多样,主题丰富,并且具有像“生态圈交集”的跨界合作新艺术。

Edge Effect – Zihan Yuan and Canada Chinese Artists Association Art Exhibition will exhibit personal art woks of the founding artist – Zihan Yuan’s and those from large number of Toronto-based young artists. For academic support, various established artists were invited, including Michael Janzen, who was mentee of A.J. Casson(one of the “Group of Seven”), Shannon McManus, John Kokkino, Chris…,Changyin Song, Yuwei Feng, Jianpeng Wong, Judy Zheng, and Shi May.The biological concept Edge Effect is a metaphor of the variety of topic and genre of art displayed during the exhibition. Through the exhibition, we are trying to create an ecosystem where different types of art overlap and generate new crossover inspirations.


Zihan Yuan, although still at his 20’s, has been signed up by numbers of galleries in Toronto. His art works are mostly with printmaking and mix media. At the same time he likes to explore different types of media during his creative process. He is also a young entrepreneur. He founded the brand GetArt in 2017, a Toronto-based platform for teaching and sharing ar- related technique, knowledge and visions. Zihan is devoted to create art work with genuineness and attitude. As the founder of Canada Chinese Artist Association, he is dedicated to find and promote young artist in various genres in Toronto area and make contribution to the development of both Chinese and Canadian traditional art.

参加此次展览的多伦多青年艺术家联盟成员有:Stone Shi, Octavia Liu, Jay Xu,Jackson Zhu, Samson Wang。他们的作品包括插画、家具设计、数字绘画、雕塑、摄影等,绝大部份成员都有不同的教育背景以及中西文化的影响。作品风格各具特色,将各自在不同地点和时间上的感悟和艺术思考在多伦多以“边缘效应”展览的形式呈现和汇报给公众。

Members of the Canada Chinese Artists Association Confederation who participated in the exhibition are: Stone Shi, Octavia Liu, Jay Xu, Jackson Zhu, Samson Wang. Their works include illustration, furniture design, digital painting, sculpture, photography, etc. Most of the members have different educational backgrounds and are influenced by both Chinese and Western cultures. Their works are each distinctive in their own style. These works also represent their respective sentiments and artistic reflections in different places and times in Toronto. All of their artwork combine to form the” Edge Effect ” exhibitions that’s open to the public.


The Exhibition is going to display art works including oil painting, print making, mix media, digital art, sculpture and photography. The topics varies from Chinese traditional art to Canadian aboriginal art, from oriental aesthetics to recent trending topics, enabling us to experience art from different perspectives and culture stand point, and boost culture exchanges at the same time by introducing Chinese traditional art to the Canada main stream culture. Let young Chinese artists who are away from home no longer feel themselves like strangers.

在展览的特别单元中,还包括部分艺学就会的学员作品,展示零基础和儿童的艺术世界,让艺术真正改变生活,让每个人和“艺学就会”一起留住日常美好。其中部分作品会与画廊合作拍卖,拍卖所得将捐献给加拿大Autism Dog Services (ADS)中心。展览期间会举办多场不同主题的线上和线下艺术分享活动。艺学就会与樊登读书会多伦多分会合作主理多场北美艺术文化分享活动。为多伦多华人科普更多北美艺术知识,了解分享当代艺术潮流。

In the special unit of the exhibition, we can see the works from students of GetArt Art School, including who started to learn art from zero. With the help of GetArt, they allow art to change their world, discover and preserve the beauty in their everyday lives. Some of the works will be in the auction and all the income from the sell will be donated to Autism Dog Services (ADS) center. During the exhibition, multiple events, both online and offline will be held, to share the art works from participants. GetArt will collaborate with Spiritual Wealth Club and organize numbers of art related events in Toronto Area, in the objective of sharing knowledge and let more people experience the trend of modern art.

本次展览目的旨在推动中加青年艺术文化交流,“边缘效应”是生物学上的一个概念, 是指在多个系统产生作用的区域,由于某些因素而导致系统中的组分及行为不同于系统内部的现象。而用“边缘效应”为展览主题即是说明了每个艺术家的视角和观念像是每个小的生态系统,而多伦多青年艺术家联盟则是让这些独具一格的小生态系统碰撞,边际产生交集,从而产生新的生态多样性,实现艺术家的跨界创新。

The exhibition aimed at boosting the culture exchange between Chinese and Canadian young artists. The theme of the exhibition- Edge Effects, as a ecological concept, explaining the phenomenon where different ecosystem overlap, the biodiversity in the overlapping area increases. It sometimes generates a whole new system whose behaviors may be completely different from the original system. In the exhibition, each group or individual represents an ecosystem. Canada Chinese Young Artist Association proved a platform for those unique systems to overlap and have chemical reactions, which gave us more possibility to generate new crossover art form and increase the diversity of the art ecosystem.


We meet through art;
We learn with passion,
We pursue together.


(A person gets married with art;一个与艺术为伴的人)
袁子涵,青年艺术家,版画师,独立插画师,安大略艺术协会会员,艺学就会创始人, 加拿大财经一号电视台艺学就会栏目总监,《教育与未来》 杂志美术总编。2010年曾以速写单科第一名通过中国中央美术学院,后毕业于加拿大Sheridan College。获得Sheridan学院评委会大奖,Sheridan学院最佳绘画作品奖,第十一届亚洲青年动漫创意大赛-中国青年艺术家邀请展三等奖。作品被多家机构和收藏家收藏,现工作居住于加拿大多伦多。

Zihan Yuan, Artist, Illustrator, member of the Ontario art association and the founder of the GetArt. He has won the first place in the drawing test by outstanding examination paper from the Chinese central academy of fine arts in 2010. He graduated with high honours from Sheridan College in Canada. His awards include the Sheridan College Faculty Choice Award of the Best in Grad Show and the Sheridan College for The Best in Advanced Drawing Award. He won the Third Prize of Comic Group in In spring the river becomes warm of The China youth animation & comic exhibition in 2017. His works is represented in temporary exhibitions and collected by many art organizations and private collections at home and abroad. He currently lives and works in Toronto.


《漂浮》2016综合材料 38×38×10cm 袁子涵

《漂浮》是系列中最全面的作品,成为可以多方向观看的架上绘画作品。 重要的是我所希望用画面记录下来我身在社会大变革与转型其中的一些感受。 我们就像乘着小舟漂浮在河中………。

《白日梦》2015 铜版画37×28cm 袁子涵


《A.D.1990》2015综合材料 37×28cm袁子涵 2016


《A.D.1938》综合材料 37×28cm 袁子涵 2016



《ADRIFT》2015 丝网版画37.5×28cm-袁子涵




Octavia Liu

Born in Dalian, Liaoning, China, illustrator, graphic designer and young artist. During her early years, she was taught by Professor Jinghuan Zhao, who is a talented disciple of the famous Chinese artist Yongyu Huang. Major works include the series illustration “24 Solar Terms Map”, children’s book “One Day in the Woods” which seeks to convey and promote the long history of Chinese culture by finding more contemporary ways and techniques. Currently live in Toronto, Canada.

24 Solar Terms, 2018, watercolor, 9×12, Octavia Liu

Stone Shi
石头,产自东北,自幼酷爱画画捏泥爬树,长大后考入清华美院摄影专业,接触瞬间永恒的抓拍概念,沉浸摇滚和黑白影像。又因受 人文动画巨匠影响,转投动画,从零开始,踯躅爬行一晃10余年,曾任导演,写剧本,做人物设计,写诗。现任3d动画师。在这期间,渐渐沉迷个人绘本故事创作和自由绘画,未来会继续在这条路上探索。

Mask, 2017, Digital, 16×20, Stone Shi

Jay Xu

青年漫画师,独立插画师,原画师,腾讯原创馆2016年8月推荐画师。毕业于Sheridan College, 现从事漫画,角色设计,插图等,作品多次被各大动漫平台采用,其中作品《童年》被国内知名网站Bilibili哔哩哔哩定为首页插图,后多次与腾讯艺术插画合作。

Childhood, 2016, Digital , 29×21, Jay Xu

Jackson zhu
朱坤, 青年摄影家, 电影制作者。他的摄影作品侧重于自然风景。曾就读于多伦多电影学院。自幼与相机结缘,摄影作品多次刊登于中国各大报刊杂志。2017 年创办媒体公司Trillium Moment。

Jackson zhu , photographer and movie producer, graduated from Toronto Film school. He came into contact with the camera from an early age, the camera just like his partner to accompany his growth. Photo many times as illustrations published in China’s major newspapers and magazines. In 2017 he founded his own media company, Trillium Moment.

Jackson zhu, photograph, 25.5×40 , 2016

Wanxing ‘Samson’ Wang

Samson, a furniture designer, is passionate about his woodworking.
Samson is a perfectionist. Full attention is given to detail. As a result of years spent working in the aviation industry, the need for precision results in quality products. His talent and passion allow him to create exceptional one of a kind designs.
Samson finds inspiration in his love of nature. An appreciation of traditional designs, combined with modern influences, is illustrated in his work. Currently, Samson is a student at Sheridan College, working towards his degree in “Craft and Design”.

Geometric Stool, 2017,furniture, 20’’W X 14’’D X 15’’H, Wanxing ‘Samson’ Wang

