

万锐,独立艺术家,英伦双硕士,英国伦敦艺术大学纯艺术系研究生。现为海南省女画家协会副主席,海南东方之音国际文化艺术交流中心艺术总监,中国国家高级美术师。她为艺术之爱行走40多个国家。擅长油画等多种绘画语言及设计、书法等,主打爱的宙语系列以文字、数字、生命为主题探索人类大爱的语境及对生命能量与灵性的探索。作品系列曾获得英国皇家雕塑家协会2013国际艺术大赛提名奖以及Art Foundation 2019年度国际优秀艺术家奖。该数字人艺术系列作品已获得国家美术知识产权。

Rui Wan, an independent artist with an MA degree in fine art at University of the Arts London, traveled over 40 countries for the love of art. She is good at oil painting, designing, calligraphy etc. Her series of Love to the Universe explores the context of great human love, the energy of life and spirituality with words, numbers and life as its major themes. Some of her series of works won the Nomination of the Royal British Society of Sculptors in the International Art Competition in 2013 and the International Outstanding Artist of 2019 of the Art Foundation. This Winter Olympics series has obtained national art intellectual property rights in China.





冬奥五环1 (The Winter Olympics rings 1)


冬奥五环之花 (flower of  The Winter Olympics rings)


跳动的五环 ( dancing of The Winter Olympics rings)


跳动的五环3 ( dancing of The Winter Olympics rings 3)


跳动的五环6 ( dancing of The Winter Olympics rings 6)


跳动的五环5 ( dancing of  The Winter Olympics rings 5)


跳动的五环 (dancing of The Winter Olympics rings)


跳动的五环 ( dancing of  The Winter Olympics rings)


冬奥五环之花2( flower of  The Winter Olympics rings 2)


冬奥2 (The Winter Olympics 2)


冬奥3 (The Winter Olympics 3)


冬奥3 (The Winter Olympics 3)


冬奥3 (The Winter Olympics 3)


冬奥4 (The Winter Olympics 4)


冬奥5 (The Winter Olympics 5)


冬奥3 (The Winter Olympics 3)


冬奥6 ( The Winter Olympics rings 6)


冬奥6 (The Winter Olympics 6)


冬奥7 (The Winter Olympics 7)


冬奥7 (The Winter Olympics 7)


冬奥8 ( The Winter Olympics 8)


冬奥9 (The Winter Olympics9)


冬奥9 (The Winter Olympics 9)


冬奥洛书( Luo Shu of  The Winter Olympics )


来源:艺术家官方网站:wanrui.artron.net  国际网站:http://rawartists.com/ruiwan