石甫: 石甫草堂 驻持 迦国书道院院长。书、画、雕刻,三位一体的意象艺术开拓者。 加拿大新时代杰出艺术家2015年度获选人物。1993年,作品入选国家级艺术展 ——“全国第五届中青年书法篆刻家作品展”, 成为中国书法家协会会员,同年旅居加拿大。
他用”二调三原色”为构成元素; 以马家窑彩陶纹样和图腾符号及彩窗石窟灵意为视觉语言。将阴阳之道与太初之道融为一体,解构形象、溶铸理念、激活意象,成功地走出非具 象的信念艺术之路。
作品被中国书法馆等国家馆级及国际拍卖行专题拍卖收藏。 作品集《艺道双楫》被多伦多大学东亚图书馆及美城中央图书馆收藏。
著作: 《艺道双楫》《章草书道德经》《死海古卷新抄》《传道书写经》《草书景教碑》《石父鸠歌》古风集。
先后担任: 加拿大当代艺术联盟主席、 中国文化艺术研究所所长、 加拿大书道研究会会长、 加拿大油画协会艺术顾问、《国际艺术新闻网》中国艺术中心主任。
Jenz Shifu:
Iconographic Artist
President of Shifu i School
President of Word in Art Institute of Canada
Recipient of the Most Outstanding Artist of the Year award 2015, hosted by Fairchild TV Canada.
Shifu is a Chinese-Canadian iconographic artist, who garners calligraphy, painting, and micro-engraving under a single belt.
Shifu’s gift for micro-engraving is truly phenomenal: it involves a magical skill where micro Chinese characters are “intuitively” engraved onto as small and narrow a surface as a piece of human hair, without the aid of any magnifying instrument. He can miraculously engrave as many as 5000 words onto a small piece of Shoushan seal stone. Many critics in the field call Shifu a “Divine Sculptor with the Magic Hand”.
During the “Artistic Wave of the 80’s” in China, Shifu had already entered the art scene, before he was granted a Member of the prestigious Calligraphy Association of China for his work in 1993. That is the same year Shifu immigrated to Canada. His calligraphy pieces were subsequently published in the high caliber Rongbao Publishing House and were collected by art galleries in China as well as around the world.
Shifu has developed a new art form called “iconography”, in which minimal colour tones and succinct compositions are the essential guiding principles. He generally uses black and white plus three primary colours as the constructing palette, while taking inspirations from the ancient Majiayao coloured pottery brush motifs, totem (de)signs, as well as stained glasswork, to be used as another portion of his visual language. His iconographic work, often in the form of a collage, embraces and blends the Chinese Tao of Yin Yang with the Word of Cosmic Oneness found in the origin of Western thought. Shifu infuses aesthetics, philosophy and theology in his art pieces; as such, they are as much the travails of a philosopher as that of a painter.
Thanks to its distinctly philosophical nature, Shifu’s artwork has been widely showcased and collected by prestigious art galleries, museums and other institutions, such as the Calligraphy Museum of China. His calligraphy work, micro-engraved seals, and paintings are also treasured by distinguished private collectors worldwide and were special-featured by the auction house Ritchies. His recent artbook “The Word in Art” (2010), a meditation on sutras in the form of calligraphy writing, is catalogued by the East Asian Library of the University of Toronto as well as the Mississauga Central Library.
As a contemporary artist, Shifu is now active in presenting his artworks on the world stage, in metropolitans such as Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, New York, Tokyo, Dubai,
Seoul and many Italian cities such as Florence, Milan, and Rome. Besides exhibiting his own art, Shifu also curates other artists’ work with remarkable success in Canada, Europe, and China. Celebrated for his intellectual prowess, Shifu is often invited to give seminars on art locally, in venues such as the University of Toronto, Royal Ontario Museum, Markham Museum, and Living Arts Centre of Mississauga.
Shifu is the artistic consultant for the Chinese Cultural Center for the Greater Toronto as well as the North America Contemporary Art and Chinese Calligraphy Association; he is also one of the Vice Presidents of the Canada China Economic Trade & Culture Exchange Promotion Alliance.
● President of Canadian Contemporary Art Alliance
● Chairman of Institute of Chinese Culture of Canada
● Head Master of Calligraphy Research Group of Canada
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